Video: Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler

Meet SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler. Everything your curls need, every style your want. This rich, coconut oil infused styler gives you total freedom to express yourself with you curls.

Video Home » Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler

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Length: 1:01
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Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 1 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 2 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 3 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 4 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 5 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 6 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 7 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 8 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 9 from the video

Introducing DevaCurl SuperCream Coconut Curl Styler - image 10 from the video